Dog(s) of the Month - Animal Rescue New Orleans

Titan The Unstoppable

Meet our Dogs of the Month - Animal Rescue New Orleans!

Recently I visited Animal Rescue New Orleans while on vacation.  ARNO was formed in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. They have found loving homes for over 10,000 companion animals since 2005. This is the shelter where I got my start in shelter photography and adopted my two amazing dogs Jackie and Jesse in 2007 and 2008.

I have been back to ARNO since then, taking photos of some of their shelter animals and wanted to do it again since it's been a few years. I met some gorgeous dogs and one that I had met before, Titan. 

Titan is a dog that my husband and I helped get transported back to ARNO after he had been adopted and later abandoned in California.  We drove him from Boulder to Salina, KS.  He was a wheelchair dog and after he made it back to ARNO, he went into foster and received some medical care that he very much needed. Then he was adopted by ARNO's shelter manager and now has a loving home!  It was great to see him being the dog he was meant to be.

I met ten other dogs while at ARNO and was honored to take their photographs. So many great personalities waiting for their forever homes.   It was bitter-sweet being back in the shelter where I found my soul dogs Jackie and Jesse and it brought back many happy memories.

Please enjoy the following photos of some sweet souls and if you see one that is a match for you or someone you know, maybe a trip to New Orleans is just what you need!







Olive Oil





What Age Should You Have Your Dog Photographed?


The Road to Sunrise - Personal Project