What Age Should You Have Your Dog Photographed?

Sometimes people ask me “What is the best age to have my dog professionally photographed”? Generally, I think any time is a great time for dog photos but in order to give some guidance, here is what I’d recommend. There are four prime times to have your dog photographed to best document their life.

The first would be when they are a puppy. This time in their life doesn’t last long and their features change quickly. Puppy photos are super special for remembering those early months. If you get a dog after their first year, there are still plenty of options.

The second milestone in your dogs life will be around age one or two. They are no longer a small puppy, but are now into their awkward teen years. Their looks are still going to change as will their expressions as they shift from “new kid on the block'“ to a more experienced, wiser dog. These images can be a great reminder of a time when your dog was really becoming who they are.

The third milestone would be right around age four or five. They are adults now, fully grown and their personalities are formed. They know their likes and dislikes and some of these attributes can be incorporated into their photos such as playing ball.

The fourth milestone is of course during their senior years. Depending on the breed of your dog this can be from age eight and up. Senior dog photos are some of my very favorites and I find them to be endearing and extra sweet.

But don’t worry about missing milestones. If you are ready to have your dog photographed at any age, contact me to talk about options!


Dog of the Month - Chachi


Dog(s) of the Month - Animal Rescue New Orleans